City: Salzburg
Country: Austria
State: Salzburg
Opend 1924
Species 250
The house offers visitors through 80 different exhibition rooms the world of different biotic and abiotic nature, etc. by 40 aquariums. The house is world famous for its Diodoramas. After a thorough sanation and the establishment of a Science Centre in the old Carolino Augusteum, the house was Reopened on 27th June 2009
Last visit 2016
Haus der Natur
Museumsplatz 5
A - 5020 Salzburg
Phone number: (662) 84 26 53
Fax-number (662) 84 26 53 - 99
The House of Nature was founded in 1924 by zoologist Professor Edward Paul Tratz, who headed the House also to 1976. After that, Professor Eberhard Stüber was for 33 years the director of the house. On 1 July 2009, Dr. Norbert Winding the was the new one.
Opened 9am - 5 pm
* Famillytickets are vallid for 1 ore 2 adults and one child, each aditional child costs 6,50 Euro
The aquarium display 42 different sized aquariums with a volume up to 60,000 liters. There are animals from tropical coral reefs, but also from the tropical waters of Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean and not least from the Salzburg region. A few floors up, there also is a reptile zoo with Mississippi alligators, tiger pythons, reticulated pythons, the green mamba, radiated turtois, lizards, crustaceans, Gabon viper, rhinoceros iguanas and reptiles from the land of Salzburg
DE: Dieses Haus hat nicht ein sehr rominiertes Museum für Naturgeschichte, aber zeigt auch lebende Tiere durch 42 Aquarien únd einen grossartigen Reptilienzoo
DK: Haus der Natur har en flot naturhistorisk samlin, byder dog også på levende dyr og et experimentarium, så der noget for alle her